Saturday, September 17, 2016

First day of school

We felt that this year was one of the smoothest first days of the new school year. For whatever reason students seem to be ready to learn and happy to see each other.
We noticed that the new approach, planning and starting the year right was a swift transition from summer vacation to school.  Everything from registration, class assignments, activities and parents meeting went well, which means one thing, here at AEP Students are first, and when we are planning the year ahead.
It was a great successful first day of Arabic Education Program at our beloved ADS. Thanks to our parents, teachers, volunteers and amazing students!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Welcome Back to 2016-2017

Hello AEP families,
Welcome Back! We are incredibly excited to begin our twenty-six year here at The ADS! This promises to be a year filled with golden opportunities for all of our students as we strive to find ways that we can be even better than we have before! We embark on this journey with a pledge to you and our students, that this will be a year of engaging, meaningful and rigorous work in our classrooms, combined with special assignments, online learning and many other activities.

We will continue to build upon and refine our proven Arabic Foundation of good work.
Our vision remains… Teach Arabic...Introduce Middle Eastern Culture....Embrace Opportunities . . . Unlock Potential . . . Lifetime Friendship...and Inspire Excellence!

Our teachers and volunteers are committed to providing our students with many opportunities to excel. We invite and encourage you to reach out to your teacher, the office staff and myself if you have any questions throughout the year.

We look forward to a very positive and productive year together! We extend a special, yearlong invitation to you to join us at anytime whenever possible. We want . . . we need . . . and we value your involvement and support in your child’s Arabic Education! We seek volunteers to help us with the following activities:
1) Teacher-led instructional support, usually in the classroom
2) Reading and working with children who need extra help

The wonderful AEP teachers, volunteers and I feel privileged to be a part of this school family. We thank you for your support and look forward to a fun year full of learning and amazing things!!
See you all on September 17, 2016.